Flowers That Bring Happiness

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Every different culture all over the world sees different meanings in different types of colours. For some nations white is a symbol of innocence while for others it symbolises sorrow. The very same rule applies for different types of flowers also as any flower has its meaning and interpretation. However, there are flowers that symbolise one and the same thing no matter in which part of the world you are – happiness. These flowers are said to be the flowers of happiness and it is believed that having them in your home will bring you a lot of good luck and positive energy.

1. Molucella – this flower is also known as Irish Bell. However, it is famous not so much for its beauty but for its interesting leaves and small blossoms. The flower has extremely green leaves and tiny white flowers well hidden in the leaves like small bells. This is the reason why the flowers is more popular like Irish Bell rather than like its original name Molucella. However, no matter the name it has, the flower has nothing to do with Ireland. Its origin is Syria but the fresh green colour of the leaves has made the flower more famous as Irish Bell. This is actually the reason why the flower is believed to bring happiness in people’s homes. As you may know, green colour is believed to be the colour that brings luck and success that is why the Molucella is a preferred flower used in home decorations.

2. Trifolium repens L. – also known as white clover. However, despite this name the flower is actually green in colour. Just like the Irish Bell, White Clover is said to be a symbol of happiness because as you know, most clovers have three leaves only while White Clover has four leaves. However, white clover should not be mistaken with watercress, oxalis or water clover. These flowers also have white blossoms and four leaves but they are not believed to bring happiness and luck into your home.

3. Dianthus caryophyllus – one of the most commonly used flowers for making bouquets and home decorations. This flower has been known for centuries. A legend says that the first Dianthus caryophyllus flower grew from the tears of the Virgin Mary who cried over the body of her son, Jesus Christ. That is why Dianthus caryophyllus symbolises innocence, pureness and luck.

4. Calluna vulgaris – this is actually a small bush that blooms in the end of summer or in the beginning of autumn. Blossoms have different colours – red, white, pink, lilac and shades of them. This plant is easy to take care of especially in your garden. Pink Calluna vulgaris is believed to be a symbol of happiness and love.

5. Snowdrop – this tiny flower is the flower that symbolises spring and the end of winter. Snowdrop is believed to bring good luck to those people who first see it among the snow.

6. Roses – of course we cannot miss the queen of all flowers – the rose. This beautiful flower is the symbol of love and beauty. That is why this flower is used in homes and gardens as a decoration because it is believed to bring love and happiness to the place.

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